Thursday, February 26, 2009

And he interpreted in all the scriptures the things concerning Himself...

When you read the Scriptures, understand that Jesus is the hero. He is the Firstborn of all creation, he is the image of the invisible God! He is the exalted one. He has been exalted above every name that is named - that includes YOU! It isn't about your glory, but his. And HE is your glory. Jesus said that in the end, when the evil are sent away to eternal punishment, the righteous will shine like the sun (Son). Whose glory are they shining with?

Isaiah 60:19: "But the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory."

The Father seeks to glorify his Son, Jesus. He seeks to boast in the great accomplishments of his Son. Not yours. He seeks to honor and glorify the true hero - Jesus Christ.


lydia said...

.....and he's back!! Speaking of gloryfying Jesus - guess what????

Jamie said...

OH! It's good to have you back, Matt. Good one...tell me more about HIM! :D

Joel Brueseke said...


Anonymous said...

Great stuff!

Right on!

It's ALL about Him!!