Sunday, May 3, 2009

Narrow Minded

"In American Christianity, we're learning to tolerate and balance. We don't want to offend people, we don't want to tell them that they're wrong. We want to accept and embrace many ideas, not quarrel or debate. And yet...Most of the New Testament, look what it's doing - it's debating. Most of the New Testament is challenging. Most of the New Testament is splitting theological hairs."

- Andrew Farley


Anonymous said...

It's funny. You write about believers looking for some sort of tribulation along the way. And now you write about how Jesus is controversial. Remember He did say " Don't think I've come to bring peace but a sword." This is what I try to get across to you. How Jesus is almost stern faced and forceful. How He has a sort of "take it or leave it" approach to everything. How He seeks those who will give up everything for Him. How he seeks the genuine.

Does Jesus invite us to come to Him if we are "weary?" YES! But I'm afraid there is a price tag. Losing dignity, losing friends, and maybe even your family.

Mattityahu said...

I don't know if I understand exactly what you mean, Jordan.

The truth of God's scandalous grace always divides. I never said it didn't.

Bino M. said...

Matthew - I think the 'fights' in NT is/was against self righteous, legalistic, religious people; not so much against sinners...

Mattityahu said...

Well, the point Andrew is driving here is that the Gospel is something to be dogmatic about.