I think the most difficult thing for me to grasp is that God is agape. He is love for the ugly people. I don't meant the typical Christian sense of the word ugly which is really false humility. I literally mean ugly. Absolutely wretched, miserable and completely absent of any hint or sign of beauty.
I absolutely cannot understand how God doesn't hate me when I sin. If not for His grace, I would be swallowed up by my sin and wretchedness. How could He ever tell me, "Well done, good and faithful servant"? I am absolutely nothing without Him. I feel at times exactly like Mephibosheth a lot of the time. "I'm just a dead dog, Lord". Definitely not one anyone could say was good and faithful.
Worthy is the Lamb!! Jesus gets all the glory!! I have worth because He has loved me. I am what I am by the grace of God. My crown of righteousness will most definitely be thrown at His feet. He is the One who has made me worthy and given me any reason for existence.
1 comment:
Indeed, worthy is the Lamb of God, who has taken away your sin!
In our "values-based" society (even unbelievers live by their own set of values), in which people like, love, accept, etc, other people based upon certain conditions, it's sometimes a difficult thing to grasp that God doesn't love anybody because they're so wonderful and He has no lack of love for somebody who sins. In fact I would say that the following statement, which I used to say, is not true. "God loves people despite their sin." God's love has nothing to do with sin or a lack thereof. God loves people because He is love. He is agape.
And He has made us accepted in the Beloved (Jesus) completely by grace, as Eph 1:6 says. His acceptance of us has nothing to do with our performance, whether "good" or "evil." His acceptance of us is all based solely upon Jesus Christ, and upon nothing else!
God took care of everything that stood in the way of His perfect acceptance of us, and He did it all by His grace, through Jesus. Indeed, worthy is the Lamb of God, who took away the sin of the world! He "wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us, and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross." (Col 2:14).
There is no longer a Law standing over you, accusing you of any transgression! There is no longer any transgression standing between you and God, because Jesus has taken your sin away!
We have to always remember that the gospel is good news!
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